2 minutes plank
Well short of the goal.
2 mile bike warmup
Band work for hip warmup
Deadlifts: 5x135x2, 5x195, 3x225, 7x245
Squats: 5x135x2, 5x195, 3x225, 5x245
Pullups - max reps 1 set = 8
Megs is visiting :) Crusty and I won at caps.
100 pushups
200 crunches
Plantar rehab
I read more of Daring Greatly. The beginning of chapter 5 talks about the mind gap which she defines as the difference between where we are (how we act) and where we want to be (how we want to act).
Part of me is glad I'm taking my time to get through this book as I want to retain and absorb it, but Pops finished it in less than 3 hours and I'm going on 12 ish hours.
Had dinner with Fritz, Hair, and Jer-bear today at Chicago Q. Good food, good company. Want to try new places too though when I do spend money.
Been spending too much money recently.
100 pushups
200 crunches
3.3 mile 10 minute bike ride warmup
Band work for hip and leg mobility
Squats: 5x95, 5x135, 5x165, 5x195, 7x225
Deadlifts: 5x95, 5x135, 5x165, 5x195, 6x225
Shoulder stability: 3x12 each arm y-pulls
Ankle stability: 1 minute each leg on half ball holding medicine ball (no arms to balance with)
Box jumps: 3x10
Form felt much better on my lifts today as I started my program with my 5 rep maxes.
Intensity - 9/10 this was very hard and felt great!
Plantar rehab
I read more of Daring Greatly. The end of chapter 4 talks about some smaller, less used, shields than perfectionism, numbing, and foreboding joy to 'protect' us from vulnerability. From earlier in the book, we know that vulnerability is a good thing, it's what drives connection and love and joy. Anyway so these shields are ones that I typically don't use, like cynicism, cruelty, and criticism. I've been more of a numb-er in the past. Good info either way.
Talked with Emily more about it today too. Love that it's stimulating conversations with her. Love getting closer to her again.
Still haven't kicked this stupid cold.
Daily to do lists are going fantasticly!
Lots of fun planned this week! In the words of KB, "what a time to be alive!!"
"...to grow up is to accept vulnerability. To be alive is to be vulnerable."
-Madeleine L'Engle
What woukd you do if you knew you couldnt fail?
This was a question Eric posed to me back in the summer. It resurfaced again this week in Daring Greatly which I started reading per Emily's recommendation. I absolutely love this question. It really gets at our deepest desires and pushes us to be stronger, more daring, and do what we really want.
When Eric asked me this, one thought came to mind immediately. I would move back to Chicago so that I could coach NUT. I also thought on it for a day or so and had other ideas come to me. But this one, this immediate thought, really caught hold. I started putting in real effort to find a job in Chicago. I would get home from work and spend at least 2 hours a night applying to jobs, sending emails to companies asking if they had openings, researching companies that I would want to work for. A few months passed with this pattern and I had gotten a couple phone interviews, but nothing real had come up. I had some conversations with Eric about making intelligent decisions while still striving for what I wanted. He urged me not to leave my then current job before I had a new one. Eventually I got to the point where I couldn't wait anymore. It was going to happen! I was going to Dare Greatly though I hadn't picked up that book yet.
I put in my notice at Epic. I was going to move back to Chicago with no guarantee of a full-time job to pay bills. I had talked to my old boss from college about picking up hours if necessary and he said yes, but that was a weak backup plan at best. I had to go all in. I was going to make it happen! The week before I left for my trip to Peru, I earned 3 more phone interviews because of my renewed sense of purpose. At this point I needed to get a job; it was no longer a want. I didn't have the option of failure. I worked harder and longer to get these interviews. I prepared more fully for them, and i performed better in them. One of these interviews ended up turning into the job offer that I accepted and the job I am now doing. If it hadn't been for that question, I might still be in Madison - unhappy and unfulfilled. This is the first time in my life that I have actually believed the saying "You can do anything you set your mind to". And it's because I acted as though I couldn't fail. And I didn't!
What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?