Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Tuesday, January 31, 2017



30 perfect pushups
5 min plank in 4 and 1 min sets


I finished reading Vagabonding today. It was a good book. I am not sure I will ever truly use its teachings for long-term travel. But I will try to use as much as it of possible when traveling for short periods.


Codenames is a ton of fun, but I'm not a great clue giver.

Monday, January 30, 2017



I did not workout today.


I did not read today.


Less death than last Sunday, similar amount of movement. Wasted today's opportunity to get better.



Hip stretches for warmup.
Tri-set 1:
  Deadlifts: warmup - 5x135, 5x205, work - 2x245, 2x265x2
    Form was not great according to video though I didn't feel like I was using my back.
  3 broad jumps
  30 s plank
Tri-set 2:
  Front Squats:  warmup - 5x135, work - 2x165, 2x175, 2x185
    Form was not great according to video though I didn't feel like I was using my back.
  3 Squat/depth jumps
  Ankle mobility lunges

3 sets of 6 pull-ups
3 sets of 6 dips

Wildfire Tryouts


I did not read today.


Should've taken a nap before tryouts. Alas.



I did not workout today.


I read more of Vagabonding today. It talked about 'keeping it real'. And by this, he means appreciating a place for what it is, rather than faulting it for not being what you expected it to be. Don't get wrapped up in expectations of surroundings. Rather experience surroundings.


Rocket Power is not nearly as good as I remember. Bummer.

Friday, January 27, 2017



30 perfect pushups
5 min plank in 4 and 1 min sets
Squats: 5x45, 5x135, 5x205, 3x225, 3x255
Deadlifts: 5x45, 5x135, 5x205, 3x225, 4x255
Big focus on depth during squats. Getting lower than I've ever gotten. Makes the last set much harder.
Per Carol's suggestion, only used switch grip on last set of deadlifts. Felt very weird. Bar was definitely slipping on 3rd rep of 225.


I read more of Vagabonding today. It talked about 'meeting your neighbors'. It's key to spend time in both tourist and non-tourist areas.


Good day.

Thursday, January 26, 2017



30 perfect pushups as judged by Carol
Hollywood squares with coaches
Upline D drill
6 300s @ 1:1.5 rest - only under 60 seconds on first 2. Felt awful.


I read more of Vagabonding today. It talked about not setting limits, esp regarding times. If you book a return flight, then you are limited by that and it can get in the way of the experience.


Finally felt normal today.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017



I did not workout today.


I did not read today.


Worked from home today. Did not get anything else done.
Man what a waste of a number of days.

Here's to hoping tomorrow is better.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017



Still mostly dead today so no workout.


I did not read today.


Took a sick day today. Was able to keep food down for the first time so yay. But dang, this all took a lot out of me. 0/10 would recommend.



Still death by food. No workout.


I was unable to read today. Or to do much of anything.


Thought I could stomach some food at the airport. Thought wrong.

Weekend was not quite what I had hoped it would be, but it was the best disaster I could've hoped for I think. Thanks to everyone for coming out and chilling. Oh and for making sure I didn't die.



I played in 1.5 games at Lei Out today before I died wholly and completely from what I suspect is food poisoning. Couldn't complete daily challenge or 300s or second 2 games of the day :(


I did not read today.


Don't ever get food poisoning.



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  5 minutes of plank in 3 and then 2 min sets
This makes 12 straight days. Harder when you're drunk but I got it in nonetheless.


I started listening to Born a Crime today by Trevor Noah on the plane, but I fell asleep.


Flew to LA today for Lei Out and saw so many awesome people at our airbnb. It was lit!

Friday, January 20, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  5 minutes of plank in 3 and then 2 min sets
This makes 11 straight days (with one small asterisk that I made up for), and I'm feeling good.


I read more of Vagabonding today. It talked about different resources to use prior to vagabonding: online, friends, coworkers, magazines, etc.


Happy birthday Gramps! Miss you tons.

Had to postpone ice skating date with Kate. Bummed.

Thursday, January 19, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  5 minutes of plank in 1 set!!!
8 300s at 1:2 rest


I read more of Vagabonding today. It talks generally about how vagabonding is a different lifestyle in which different things are valued than that of a typical american. Experiences rather than materials.


I gave blood today :) I enjoy giving blood. It's a good thing to do, especially given my blood type, and it isn't hard or scary for me at all.

I reached my goal of 5 minutes in 1 set of plank today!

I am going to alter the daily challenge next to include 'perfect pushups' rather than just trying to get a bunch in.

I want to start reading the practice plan ahead of time so I can look through a specific lens and be more helpful at practice with feedback.

Lei Out is this weekend. I could not be more hyped!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  5 minutes of plank in 4 sets of 1:15
.5 mile run to gym as warmup
Squats: 135x5x2, 185x3, 215x3, 245x6
Deadlifts: 135x5x2, 185x3, 215x3, 245x7


I started reading Vagabonding today. I've heard very good things and am excited.

I also listened to a book on speed reading. I am going to practice this on the plane this weekend by listening again with a book in hand.


Megs is doing so much work for Lei Out. I may end up owing her my life pretty soon.

I am getting good at cooking salmon. Also still good at making hummus.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  5 minutes of plank, 3 then 2 mins


I did not read today.


Went to Adler Planetarium today. Super awesome. Also got in free. Everything is turning up Millhouse.
Went to Latinicity today for lunch w/Dad before he left. Delicious tacos and empanadas. Cool concept for restaurant.

Had a great weekend with my Dad. Can't wait for him to visit again.

Watched Finding Dory tonight. Loved it. 



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  10 minutes of plank to make up for yesterday. 3 sets of 3 min and 1 set of 1 min.


I did not read today.


Today was a lazy day. Watched Moana though. Disney man. Too good.

Sunday, January 15, 2017



2 sets of 6 300s at 1:2 rest
3 man marking with Carol and Yngve
Hucks with Yiding - focus on shape

Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  I missed my planks today. Will try to make it up tomorrow.


I did not read today.


Went to the Chicago Cultural Center today with Dad and Amy. Was pretty cool. Then we walked through Millennium Park and Maggie Daly Park. Love the parks downtown. They have such great views of the city and the water.
Got lunch at Eataly. That place is overwhelming. But it was delicious.

Wildfire tryouts tonight as well. They were fun, but I am concerned about the overall level of this team and the coaching situation is still up in the air, so I am still unsure if I will play.



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  4 min plank max, 1 min to finish 5 min total


I finished reading Switch today. It talked about keeping the switch going and making it permanent. You can do this with positive reinforcement. Nothing happens all at once. It's a process and each little step counts, so encouraging yourself or others to take that next small step can go a long way.


Had a good dinner with Dad and a nice walk through downtown.

Friday, January 13, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups in 4 sets of 25
  2 min plank max, 2 min to finish 5 min total


I read more of Switch today. It talked about rallying the herd. This is a way in which you can shape the path. Social pressure can be an enormous motivator. No one wants to be the bottleneck in a given process. No one wants to be the only person holding up the show. So if you can get a number of people in a group to feel and act in a desirable way, others will fall into line.


Dad comes in to visit tomorrow!
Amy is also going to visit this weekend.

Thursday, January 12, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups
  4.5 min plank max, .5 min to finish 5 min total
Throwing w/Ding - 40 hucks
Walden star drill
6 300s at 1:2 rest - felt great!


I read more of Switch today. It finished talking about tweaking the environment and started talking about building habits. It talks about using action-triggers to build habits. When x happens, I will do y. Example: When I get home tomorrow, I will put my laundry away.
This reduces the decision fatigue for the rider and makes things more like a habit as in they happen automatically, like brushing your teeth when you wake up.


Today was metrics day. I had a good 20 yd shuttle time, but poor 150 shuttle and poor broad jump. Will improve before spring metrics day.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017



Daily Challenge -
  100 pushups
  3 min plank max, 2 min to finish 5 min total


I did not read today.


I need to improve my sleep habits.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017



2 mile bike warmup
Squats: 135x5, 175x5, 205x2, 235x5 (depth was definitely lacking on my last 2 reps)
Deadlifts: 135x5, 175x5, 205x2, 235x8 (felt great today. limiting factor was grip)
Ankle stability: 1 min each leg
Daily Challenge -
  120 pushups
  3.5 min plank max, 1.5 min to finish 5 min total


I read more of Switch today. It finished talking about growing your people and started talking more in depth about shaping the path. Shaping the path is something that I have already been doing in my life with huge success: There is tons of candy in our apt from Phoebe and to prevent myself from eating it, I didn't need to increase my willpower (well maybe I do, but that is a lot more effort than simply shaping the path), instead I put the candy in the cupboard. It is now 12 inches above where is was before, but the simple fact that I can't see it and that I would have to open the cupboard itself is enough to cut down on candy consumption immensely!


I realized today that I am watching much less TV than when I lived in Madison. I am happy with this change.

Monday, January 9, 2017



Same as yesterday. No close games which was kinda lame, but alas.
On the plus side, my plantar did not bother me at all. Totally better. Woot.


I did not read today.


New daily challenge starting tomorrow. Shoulder taps were too intimidating tbh.
  100 pushups, 5 min plank with as much as possible in 1 set.



I played at Naperchill today. We either wrecked or got wrecked. No close games. Felt pretty good overall, but my throws are in the bin right now.


I did not read today.


I made some sweet potato pancake and poached egg sandwiches. 10/10 would recommend.

Also had a captains and coaches meeting for NUT. Things are in order to start the winter.



2 mile bike warmup
Band work for hip and knee warmup
Deload week
  Squats: 95x5, 105x5, 135x5, 155x5
  Deadlifts: 95x5, 105x5, 135x5, 155x5
200 Shoulder taps
6.5 min plank incl 2.5 min to exhaustion at end
Ankle stability: 1 min each leg
.5 mile cool down run home


I read more of Switch today. It talked about growing the people. It talked about using identity to get people to change. Make them want to be the kind of people that would do something.


Caps again. Playing a lot of caps. New peak in terms of playing ability I think.

Friday, January 6, 2017



I did not workout today.


I read more of Switch today. It talked about shrinking the change. One example they gave was to make your goal 'spend 5 minutes cleaning' rather than 'clean the house'. This allows us to muster the activation energy to start doing something.


Made dinner with Kate tonight.

In other news, my plantar hasn't bothered me in a long time. Think it's good to go, but Naperchill this weekend will be a real test.

I had a talk with Eric about Daring Greatly tonight. I want Mom and Dad to read this book, and I want to use theories from Switch in order to get them to read it. I am going to sit down tomorrow to plan this. 



I did not workout today


I read more of Switch today. It continued to talk about motivating the elephant and 'finding the feeling' which generally means connecting on a human level. For example, sending developers of software to see how end users interact with the software. This gives the developers an entirely new lens to look through when fixing issue or creating new functionality.


Had a great conversation with Em tonight about Daring Greatly.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017



I ran 1.25 miles each way to First Ascent and climbed with Bill for 2 hours.


I read more of Switch today. It talked about motivating the Elephant which means appealing to our emotions. Just giving numbers and figures about how bad cigarettes are don't usually work very well. But appealing to emotions and saying something like 'what will your kids do if cigarettes kill you?' can be much more impactful.


My hands are torn af from climbing. Bill is super good. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017



I did not workout today.


I did not read today.


Caps with Cheese today. Epic comeback from down 6-0 to winning 11-8! 3-0 on the day.

Rose Bowl was crazy.



I played 3v3 with Walden and co today.
We won, but I did not take away what Walden was trying to do. Next time I will ask him ahead of time and make my goal to force him to do something different.


I did not read today.


Lazy Sunday. Classic Lions.



I did not workout today.


I did not read today



I did not improve today.



I did not workout today.


I read more of Switch today. It talked about directing the rider by pointing to the destination. An example the authors used was telling 1st graders that by the end of the year, they could be reading like 3rd graders.


Dinner at Dryhop. Was pretty good.

Lots of caps. Love that game.