Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chicago Invite 2015

Yellow, orange, and red.
Fire all around,
Yet no heat escapes.
Cold comes instead.


8:35 AM Saturday morning: Farmer Boone of Yolo Swaggins University hits the field; a ragtag group of friends and acquaintances with Boone's in hand. I've always been an organizer. It's hard and irritating, and people are flaky. But it's times like these that make me enjoy it so much.

Of the original 50 or so people I emailed (40 or so being on one listserv), I got about 25 responses. Some people are coaching, some are too far away, some just don't wanna play. But there is solid interest from enough to field a team. We end up getting the bid. We have a roster of like 18. Then things come up. One drops, then two, skip a few, seems like 18. Frustrating to no end.

We scrape enough people together to not literally die since we already paid the bid fee (somehow - props to Ming and Gordon for recruiting). It's a blast. Drinking, playing, just hanging out. We clown around, we win games, and then we play the youngens. Man do they have a lot of energy. To be 16 again... We lose. I go to watch Gungho. Walden is hilarious as usual. I enjoy cheering them on. I like the bond NUT and Gungho have -> much better than at other schools from what I've found. Then I watch NUT X lose to the youngens as well. Some of these kids are downright filthy.

Saturday night: Hanging with NUT. I miss these guys so much. I lost count of how many times I told Yiding I loved him this weekend. Drinking Boone's Farm in a smelly hotel room after a day of being cold, and playing Ultimate -> Flashback to fall quarter freshman year. Dolphin and Ollie have a "Two Boone's" race at Glory Days. What a first experience with Frisbee. I was on the ground that weekend more than I was on my feet (Shoulda gotten cleats). -> Back to now, I enjoy my time hanging out with my brothers. Notably missing: Bruns -> I don't go to team cream. I am sad I didn't see Bruns.

8:52 AM Sunday morning: We're sitting at 9 players and that's only because Zubair and Stoop are gonna sub for us cuz they have a bye. We are making a mockery of this tournament. 9:01 AM Reinforcements show up and were up to 11. Old men sure are timely. It's so fun to play with all these guys again - Tony, Yngve, Walker, Ben, Drew, Jack, Max - it's been a while.

We keep winning and more people join us for the finals. This is getting ridiculous. We are truly a pickup team. It's a blast, and it's hilarious. We avenge our loss. The youngens are no match today. 15-8. Luke is probably mad at as. He gives the merch and tourney title to them. Fair enough I guess. Great weekend.

Overall notes: Yolo Swaggins University Alumni are 2 for 2 in tournament victories. We left 6 TO's on the table I believe - unacceptable. I sat a total of 7-8 points all weekend. It felt great to just run my body past what it thought it should be put through. I've made so many good friends playing this sport, and I would go through the irritation of organizing something like this every time even though I complain. I love this sport.


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