Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Fickle are emotions,
And fleeting happiness can be.
Yet these aren't constant like oceans,
Because we have the response-ability
To ignore these notions.


Henry George Champe would have been 98 years old today. He was the kindest, most pleasant, and most gentle soul I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I count myself incredibly lucky that not only did I meet him, but I got to spend my childhood growing up with him. His ideas were well before his time. In recent years, I've seen quite a few TED talks and other such things that talk about manufacturing happiness. But Harry was the OG. He was able to manufacture happiness from seemingly minute things in his everyday life. Whether it was a glass of ice cold root beer or painting his car orange, Harry did things that made him happy and that happiness came through in his personality. He was so happy as a person that he had to give some out to people he bumped into each and every day. He was overflowing with happiness and he did his best to help other people reach the same heights.

I remember going to lunch with him one afternoon at the Big Boy on Pontiac Trail, and as we finished our lunch, he cracked an enormous grin. He had brought a stuffed animal with him for the specific purpose of seeing the waiter's smile when he gave it to them. The mere thought of making someone else smile made him happy. He really understood how to get the most out of life. He left the money and the animal on the table and we walked towards the door, but he stopped short, turned around and waited for the waiter to see what he had left for them. When the waiter had walked back out of the kitchen and saw the gift Harry had left her, she couldn't help but smile widely.

Harry was the master of happiness, and I am ashamed that at times, I forget his teachings. My goal this year is to remember Harry whenever I need a pick-me-up. Remember Harry and put his ideas to work for myself, and in turn for others.


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