Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Monday, November 19, 2018


PT - Last session

5 minute elliptical w/high resistance
Hamstring rollout
Banded single-leg stability -
  Off-leg motion to front, side, back - 3x10 both legs
SLDL reach downs (good depth) -
  Left leg 3x10
Bosu ball up and overs -
  4x30s AMRAP
Treadmill -
  Brisk walk 2 min
  Fast run 60 s
  Brisk walk 1 min
  Fast run 60 s
  Brisk walk 1 min
  Fast run 60 s
  Brisk walk 1 min
  Fast run 60 s
Calf stretch -
  2 legged - 3x30s



Rock climbing with Q and concussed Abby! He is much better than I am aside from me just not going recently. Still feel it in my forearms 2 days later.

Hamstring stretch -
  3x30s each leg
Clam stretch w/resistance band -
  3x10 each leg
Resisted leg lifts -
  2x10 supine
  2x10 left side
  2x10 prone
Monster walks w/resistance band -
  3x10 each way
Diagonal walks w/resistance band & ball (on toes) -
  3x10 each way
Deadlifts -
  5x135 - Grip strength gave out
Squats -
  5x5x95 - Good depth


Wednesday, November 14, 2018


PT - I am so excited that I got to run today. It felt really good. Gonna try squatting and deadlifting this weekend.

5 minute elliptical
Hamstring rollout
Agility Ladder w/resistance band (at 100%)-
  2 feet in forward 2x2
  2 feet in sideways 2x2
  2 in 2 out forward 2x2
  2 in 2 out sideways 2x2
Treadmill -
  Brisk walk 2 min
  Medium jog 30 s
  Brisk walk 1 min
  Quick run 30 s
  Brisk walk 1 min
  Fast run 30 s
  Brisk walk 1 min
  Fast run 30 s
SLDL reach downs -
  Left leg 2x10
Bosu ball up and overs -
  4x30s AMRAP
Bosu ball hop-ups -
  Left leg 2x10
Single-leg squat against wall -
  2x10 each leg
Foam rolling -
  Glute 1x30s each leg
  IT band 1x30s each leg


Monday, November 12, 2018

Mixed Regionals

This past weekend I coached NUGGET (Northwestern Ultimate's Gratuitous Gender Equity Team) at mixed regionals. It was a blast. I was a bit anxious going in for a number of reasons including the weather and never having coached women before. My biggest concern was overstepping my bounds with the people that I didn't know well.

I needn't have been worried. It was a lot of fun and I think that I did a good job not overstepping any bounds. Thanks KB for the prevailing coaching theory. I think the only difference in my coaching came strictly from not knowing most of the women on the team well. One player that I had only interacted with at a couple practices even asked me specifically for feedback which was a great feeling. It seems as though I did a good job instilling trust and building a rapport even in such a short amount of time.

Sgnoles started out calling lines and I called the ones immediately after she came off the field. But after maybe a game or so, she mostly let me do the line calling which I hope allowed her to play better and focus on her game (should be the role of a coach imo). This was the first time I've ever called lines unevenly. At MLC or Centex last year, it was just an even rotation. It is much much harder to call tight lines. Everyone did play in every game, but there were for sure a few people who played just 1 or 2 points in the semis and finals. I hope I did a good enough job and that no one is upset, but at the same time I think I am fine taking some heat for that if I missed the mark a bit.
I really enjoyed getting to know some of the Gungho players better and am excited to see them develop and play this year.



PT -

6 minute elliptical
Hamstring rollout
Horizontal leg press w/resistance -
  Two-legged 3x10
  Single leg 3x10 both legs
Horizontal hops -
  Two-legged 3x10
  Single leg 3x10 both legs
Horizontal side leg press w/resistance -
  Single leg 3x10 both legs
Hamstring extensions -
  Single leg 2x15 both legs
Agility Ladder (at 100%)-
  2 feet in forward 2x2
  2 feet in sideways 2x2
  2 in 2 out forward 2x2
  2 in 2 out sideways 2x2
Trampoline throws (all left leg) -
  Single leg balance forward 3x10
  Single leg balance left facing 3x10
  Single leg balance right facing 3x10
Monster walks (green mini band + ball hold) -
  3x15 both legs
Diagonal walks on toes (green mini band + ball hold) -
  3x15 both legs
Calf stretch -
  2 legged - 3x30s
Hamstring stretch w/band
  3x30s hold both legs


Wednesday, November 7, 2018


PT -

6 minute elliptical
Hamstring rollout
Single-leg raises w/ankle weights (2 lb) -
  Side - 3x10 both legs
  Prone - 3x10 both legs
TRX band squat -
TRX band single-leg squat -
  3x10 both legs
Monster walks (green mini band + ball hold) -
  3x15 both legs
Diagonal walks (green mini band + ball hold) -
  3x15 both legs
Calf raises -
  2 legged - 30x
Calf stretch -
  2 legged - 3x30s
Single-leg step up to Bosu Ball w/hold at top -
  3x10 left leg
Single-leg side step up to Bosu Ball w/hold at top -
  3x10 left leg
Hamstring stretch w/band
  3x30s hold both legs


Monday, November 5, 2018


PT -

6 minute slow and low resistance bike
Hamstring rollout
Quad stretch w/band
  3x30s hold both legs
Hamstring stretch w/band
  2x30s hold both legs
Banded clam stretch -
  3x10 both legs
Raised single-leg heel lower -
  3x10 left leg
Single-leg step up w/hold at top -
  3x10 left leg
Single-leg side step up w/hold at top -
  3x10 left leg
Banded single-leg stability -
  Off-leg motion to front, side, back - 3x10 both legs
Calf raises -
  2 legged - 30x
Calf stretch -
  2 legged - 3x30s
Single-leg squat -
  3x10 left leg
Leg press (higher resistance) -
  2 legged - 30x
  Single-leg - 30x both legs

Thoughts on NUT this past weekend.
Oline was essentially untouchable. 2 breaks over 4 games. No team or line could consistently move the disc against us upwind or downwind even when we gave them chances. Minnesota generated some pressure on a point or two, but on the whole, other teams generated very little pressure.
Dline pressure was leaps and bounds better than at this time last year. Generated more turns. Still struggled to move the disc upwind.
Happy with the improvement from everyone one the weekend as well.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Random thoughts

Some things seem constant
Yet change in an instant


I have an idea that I want to execute.
I want to play mixed next summer with friends, but a lot of people are committed to their clubs and others just won't play. The idea seems to have died before it really got off the ground. Alas.

A telling contrast of thoughts from last year to this year. Also yikes re: 'I will be better' -> I was much worse.
I don't think I want to play Machine again (if I could even make it after such an atrocious season this year), and I for sure can't justify, to myself, playing a lower level men's team. At the same time, I think I will be unhappy not playing at all, so I'm left with a bit of a dilemma. I also think not playing at all next summer would be something of a barrier to ever playing elite ultimate again. I don't know how I feel about that.

I do think I would enjoy spending the summer traveling to visit family even if I will miss ultimate. The good news is I have a lot of time to make this decision. And in the meantime I get to spend time coaching which I'm very excited about.

This is the first fall that I've been around NUT (1 out of 8) that I've thought we had young players on curve in terms of development. What I mean by this is that I have always felt like the majority of our players were about a year behind when compared to elite teams' players. Aka our juniors are comparable to their sophomores, etc (I think I'm Exhibit A here). So I am hopeful for this season based on the player development I see. It seems like we finally have more than 2-4 players who care about getting good at Ultimate rather than getting good at College Ultimate.

MLC is this weekend and I'm pumped to be back on the sideline for a team that I really care about. I feel more emotionally invested in NUT still than any other team I've ever been a part of. It's actually not even close. I think I've touched on this a bit before in terms of buying into club teams (it's harder because everyone has their own separate life), but I've felt that more and more this year with Machine. I would cheer when we scored, but I was faking it for the sake of the team energy battle. With NUT, I am actively excited when we score. I can't feel the same way about another team because the time spent and bonds made will never approach that of NUT.