Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Random thoughts

Some things seem constant
Yet change in an instant


I have an idea that I want to execute.
I want to play mixed next summer with friends, but a lot of people are committed to their clubs and others just won't play. The idea seems to have died before it really got off the ground. Alas.

A telling contrast of thoughts from last year to this year. Also yikes re: 'I will be better' -> I was much worse.
I don't think I want to play Machine again (if I could even make it after such an atrocious season this year), and I for sure can't justify, to myself, playing a lower level men's team. At the same time, I think I will be unhappy not playing at all, so I'm left with a bit of a dilemma. I also think not playing at all next summer would be something of a barrier to ever playing elite ultimate again. I don't know how I feel about that.

I do think I would enjoy spending the summer traveling to visit family even if I will miss ultimate. The good news is I have a lot of time to make this decision. And in the meantime I get to spend time coaching which I'm very excited about.

This is the first fall that I've been around NUT (1 out of 8) that I've thought we had young players on curve in terms of development. What I mean by this is that I have always felt like the majority of our players were about a year behind when compared to elite teams' players. Aka our juniors are comparable to their sophomores, etc (I think I'm Exhibit A here). So I am hopeful for this season based on the player development I see. It seems like we finally have more than 2-4 players who care about getting good at Ultimate rather than getting good at College Ultimate.

MLC is this weekend and I'm pumped to be back on the sideline for a team that I really care about. I feel more emotionally invested in NUT still than any other team I've ever been a part of. It's actually not even close. I think I've touched on this a bit before in terms of buying into club teams (it's harder because everyone has their own separate life), but I've felt that more and more this year with Machine. I would cheer when we scored, but I was faking it for the sake of the team energy battle. With NUT, I am actively excited when we score. I can't feel the same way about another team because the time spent and bonds made will never approach that of NUT.


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