Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Thursday, December 1, 2016



I went to the gym with Haj today.
Warmup - Band work, stretching calves and hips a lot
Squats -  5x95x2, 5x135x2, 5x225, 5x245 This is my 5 rep max that I will start my training with.
SDLs w/kettlebell - 5x4 each leg
Box Jumps w/Highest box - 10x3 w/focus on getting high enough to land on heals
Shoulder stability work with band - X-pulls 12x2 each arm
Variation of 10 minute abs (shortened)
    30 seconds each of:
      Flutter kicks
      Over under kicks
      something like suticase crunches (not sure what Haj called them)
      Russian twists w/Kettlebell
    And then 2.5 minutes of plank (each side included)

Intensity - 9/10
I failed a bunch during the abs workout. Need to be able to go straight through


I read more of Daring Greatly. More talk of vulnerability and how it's seen as weakness in our culture. This is wrong. Vulnerability is not weakness. I think I actually have done a pretty good job in my life of being vulnerable. I enjoy feeling vulnerable with people. That's when you feel real connections. It definitely causes pain down the road when those relationships end, but it's still a valuable experience. Loving the conversation that this is stimulating with my cousin Emily.


Caps w/Mick, Haj, and Lanu :)
Happy Birthday Micky!

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