Self-Officiation and Spirit of the Game

Thursday, December 1, 2016



I did not workout today.


I read more of Daring Greatly. She talks about shame in chapter 2. Shame is a very negative emotion that we all feel and we all are afraid to talk about. As I am reading through this, I am seeing that shame is ultimately what was behind my depression earlier this year. I felt ashamed of a lot of things that I had done. And although shame is ok to feel sometimes, it is generally misplaced and should always be addressed and talked about rather than kept inside. She talks about how shame means "I am bad" whereas guilt is "I did something bad". It's the difference between associating your self-worth with actions that you took. I am realizing that I am not a bad person because of some mistakes that I made whereas a few months back I was convinced that I was a bad person.

She also uses an analogy from Harry Potter. It's great.


Practice tonight was great. Some people looked great in triangle of death. Others looked terrible, but that's expected. I am loving how responsive most of these guys are to feedback. Especially Raul. Dang he takes what you say and implements it immediately! Fantastic!

Also had a great conversation at lunch with coworker today about money. He used to coach classes on The Total Money Makeover! He named his dog Ramsey! Glad to know there are others out there :)

Also had a great conversation with Yngve on the way home from practice. Loving all the ideas flowing about NUT this year. He definitely is a good check on some of my rather harsh ideas.

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